Tag: My View

  • My View: Animals in Captivity

    Following my posts about trophy hunting and recreational hunting, I’ve decided to continue the conversation about conservation by talking about my view of animals in captivity. Like most of these issues, I can talk until the cows come home about this topic, so I’ll narrow my scope to megafauna land mammals in zoos. The general…

  • My View: #MeToo

    Many women are coming forwardwith  sexual harassment and rape allegations against some of Hollywood’s biggest actors and directors over the last few months including Kevin Spacey, Louis C.K. and Harvey Weinstein. Not to mention the unfathomable amount of abusers in Hollywood with victims that have yet to come forward. It’s exhausting and depressing to think about,…

  • My View: Gun Control

    “In retrospect Sandy Hook marked the end of the US gun control debate. Once America decided killing children was bearable, it was over.” That post was made by a political commentator in 2015 and still rings true today, even following the worst massacre in Las Vegas on Sunday. As an American who has been privileged…

  • My View: Trophy Hunting

    A few weeks ago, I talked about my view on recreational hunting, where I expressed my personal distaste for the practice, but emphasized how important it is for conservation. This time, I will be talking about a different kind of recreational hunting: trophy hunting. In trophy hunting, part of the animal is kept and usually…

  • My View: Recreational Hunting

    As I have mentioned, I work for the Arizona Game and Fish Department, a state government agency dedicated to habitat and animal conservation. We get a lot of our funds from selling hunting and fishing licenses, which can be somewhat controversial for some people. As a conservation major also interested in animal ethics, this is…

  • My View: Heterosexual Pride

    June has been dubbed “Pride Month” (after the Stonewall riots in the same month in 1969), where those in the LGBTQ+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, etc.) community all around the world celebrate their identity and raise awareness with marches, rallies, parades and more. Recently on Twitter, “Heterosexual Pride” has been trending again. Both in…

  • My View: V.I.P. Experiences

    Somewhat recently, I’ve attended gigs with two very different experiences with meeting the band that merited my unsolicited opinion on the matter. In the past, I didn’t mind paying to meet the band because I was so excited to meet them by any means necessary. However, after several artists speaking out against other artists who…

  • My View: Mancrimination

    Recently, I’ve seen a series of photos depicting ways men* are discriminated against that women don’t experience, some even proposing that men are less equal than women. I don’t even know where to begin, so I’ll debunk the individual posters one by one (note this is movement is from an Indian online magazine and although…

  • My View: Inauguration & the Women’s March

    Since I haven’t done one of these in a minute, I will try to sum up my view of recent political events in one of these opinion posts. The inauguration of Donald Trump has left me speechless. I feel like we’re in an episode of Black Mirror as we’ve literally elected a celebrity and (failed) businessman to run this…

  • My View: Sex Education

    One of my other My View posts on plastic surgery got me thinking about the sex education system in America, or lack thereof… Sex education in the United States is nothing short of abysmal, with over half the states stressing abstinence and only 13 states require medical accuracy [this document is frankly terrifying]. To nobody’s…